E.L.A. Independence Parade Garfield High School was well represented in the annual E.L.A Mexican Independence Parade on September 8, 2013.
2013-2014 Fall Registration Process All new students to Garfield Senior High School must fill out the Eastside Zone of Choice enrollment application.
Garfield at Clean Green Program A group of Garfield students attended the Clean Green IGERT Program on the campus of UCLA.
East L.A.Memorial Day Observance The 65th Annual Observance of our fallen heroes took place in East L.A. on Monday May 27, 2013. This observance began with a 24-Hour Vigil At Cinco Puntos.
Wellness Center Awareness Campaign A campaign to promote the on-campus Garfield High Wellness Clinic is ongoing. A special event was held on Wednesday May 22, that provided students tours, tacos and valuable information.