Our new Principal is Mr. Jose Huerta!

As we move ahead with the many anticipated changes that will take place at Garfield High School, we look forward to the arrival of our new Principal, Mr. Jose Huerta.  Mr. Huerta has served Garfield H.S. as a  T.A., teacher, Title I Coordinator, Dean and Assistant Principal.  He is a true "bulldog" on his way back to our campus.
He was recently a Director at the Local District office but did spend 3 years as an Assistant Principal at Griffith Middle School. Mr. Huerta is familiar with the community and most of the staff at Garfield High. This will work well in bringing people together to carry out the "Garfield Plan" in the coming school year.
He brings with him wisdom, experience and a passion to see our students excel. He has developed these qualities working with parents, teachers, administrators and students from different schools within the local district. Mr. Huerta is prepared and motivated to take on the challenges that this school faces in the coming year.
We welcome Mr. Huerta and look forward to his leadership!